12 Small Goals For 2022

A new goal each month

3 min readDec 31, 2021
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

There I was, watching some videos, when this one came up. I really liked Matt D’Avella’s idea and decided to try it out too. The idea is simple: maintain a new habit 12 times for 30 days. It's hard to incorporate many habits into your routine at once, so this method helps you figure out things that stick and things that don't.

For 2022, I picked 12 small things I want to start doing to challenge myself. You will notice most of these habits are really easy to accomplish. That's because the hardest part is getting started, not the task itself. I’m trying to be realistic considering my failures this year. By the end of the year, I want to compile what I accomplished and reflect on this learning experience. This is my plan so far:

January: write 100 words every day. My main focus is not on the number of words, but on actually building the habit of writing out my thoughts and ideas.

February: take a picture that represents my mood, experiences, and successes.

March: do a logic puzzle every day. This is something I do occasionally, but I want to see if I improve my average time and decrease mistakes.

April: study French. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes, I want to practice my French. Some days I might do grammar, others I might just watch something in French and that will count as studying.

May: eat fruit every day. I don’t usually eat fruit but it’s something I want to work on. Hopefully by forcing myself to eat fruit every day it will be easier to add it into my future diet.

June: stretch for 15 minutes, preferably in the morning. I also want to track how much my flexibility will improve after this.

July: read 10 pages of a book. I specify the book part because I want to spend less time using a screen, and I already read articles so I want to challenge myself to do something different.

August: make my bed as soon as I get up. I strongly believe that my bed needs to be the way I like it. Considering I’m the only one sleeping on it or even looking at it, I don’t usually make my bed unless the blankets are all over the place. In August, this will change.

September: floss every day. For one whole month, I hope to become any dentist’s dream client. Let’s see if that lasts.

October: draw. What I plan for this one is to get a large piece of paper and add drawings as the month goes by. I like this challenge a lot because the results are very visual.

November: do 50sit-ups every day. I will die if I try to do them all at once, so my plan is to divide those into sections and gradually increase the number of sit-ups per section. I definitely think this is doable with careful planning.

December: write something good about myself every day. A recent experience showed me how difficult it is for us to identify positive aspects of ourselves, and I want to change that. Even if it’s just a word or a sentence, I want to appreciate myself for being here.

After each challenge, I plan to write a check in with my thoughts and tips. Would you consider trying out this challenge? Big goals can only be accomplished through small actions, so make sure you're always working towards what you aim for!

I wish all of you a happy 2022!




Hi! My name is Cecilia, and I’m a college student interested in self-improvement, the environment, physics, psychology, true crime, and (of course) writing!